Japan Karate Association
This tournament is open to any member of any Japan Karate Association school.
We will invite other clubs within NSW to participate.
Location: Bujutsu Martial Arts and Fitness Centre – 21 Waler Crescent Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
Date: 9am Sunday 10th of August 2025.
Cost: TBA
Divisions: 5 step kumite, 1 step kumite, free style kumite and kata.
Registration closes: 12pm Saturday 26th July 2025.
Registering is a two step process:
1. Make Payment
2. Complete the Registration Form
Kids BJJ
In-house friendly Kids BJJ Tournament.
Location: Bujutsu Martial Arts and Fitness Centre – 21 Waler Crescent Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
Date: 5pm Wednesday 20th of August 2025.
Cost: $30
Divisions will be set once registration closes.
Divisions will be fair and safe.
Registration closes: Wednesday 13th August 2025.
Registration is a step process:
1. Make Payment
2. Complete the Registration Form
Muay Thai Kick Boxing
King of the Ring
In-house Tournament.
Location: Bujutsu Martial Arts and Fitness Centre – 21 Waler Crescent Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
Date: 9am Sunday 14th of September 2025.
Cost: $30
Divisions and matches will be set once registration closes.
Divisions will be fair and safe.
Registration closes: Saturday 6th of Septebmer 2025.
Robert Slywa Memorial Tournament
Robert Slywa Sensei was the man who brought RyuKonKai to Australia and was Mark Sensei’s first RyuKonKai teacher.
Location: Bujutsu Martial Arts and Fitness Centre – 21 Waler Crescent Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
Date: 11am Saturday 21st of June 2025.
Cost: $30
Registration closes: Wednesday 18th June 2025.