Professor George Adams is an icon in the Australian Martial Arts World.
He is a former police officer like Sensei Mark and it was in the NSW Police Force many decades ago that their friendship commenced.
Professor George has his own large school, Budoshinkai Martial Arts and he is a 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt in BJJ. He heads the BJJ program at Bujutsu Martial Arts teaching on a Monday night.
Certificates and and Awards
1. Black Belt 8th Degree Karate (Kojosho Karate Federation, 18 Postures Mind & Body Boxing Association, World Martial Arts Council & the USKA)
2. Black Belt 4th Degree Sikaran & Arnis
3. Muay Thai Instructor (certified by World Champions – Sakaad Petchyindee & Master Saksakun
4. Black Belt Brazilian 2nd Degree Jiu Jitsu
5. Diploma Sports Coaching (Martial Arts)
6. 1995 Gallery Hall of Fame (Cleveland, USA) ‘Karate Instructor of the Year’
7. 2001 ISKA ‘Lifetime Achievement’
8. 2001 ISKA ‘Karate Instructor of the Year’
9. 2009 Australian Martial Arts Hall of Fame ‘Martial Artist of the Year’
10. 2009 World Karate Union Hall of Fame ‘Martial Artist of the Year’
11. 2022 Martial Arts Australia Master
George Adams is an internationally recognised martial arts instructor and has travelled the United States of America (in the mid ’90’s) conducting numerous martial arts seminars including the Detroit Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Swanton Police Department and the U.S. Coastguard.
Tournament Achievements
1st Place
1. 1997 ‘Best of The Best’ Kata
2. 1995 US Nationals & World Cup Trials Demonstration (Ohio, USA)
3. 1995 Australian Goodwill Games International (Challenge from Russia)
4. 1994 WCKKMA World Championships Open Black Belt Sparring (Ohio, USA)
5. 1994 WCKKMA World Championships Master’s Black Belt Kata (Ohio, USA)
6. 1994 WCKKMA World Championships Black Belt Self Defence (Ohio, USA)
7. 1994 Queensland All Styles Martial Arts Expo Black Belt Open Sparring (Bundaberg)
8. 1993 CCP Karate Internationals Black Belt Division Kata
9. 1993 CCP Karate Internationals Grand Champion Kata
10. 1993 CCP Karate Internationals Full Contact Karate
11. 1993 UKFA Black Belt Division Kata (Newcastle)
12. 1992 ‘Jez Promotions’ Kickboxing Pro. Rules (Super Middleweight)
13. 1991 UKFA Black Belt Division Full Contact Karate (Middleweight)
14. 1991 UKFA Black Belt Division Kata
15. 1990 UYFA Black Belt Division Full Contact Karate (Middleweight)
16. 1990 UKFA Black Belt Division Kata
17. 1990 FMA Open Division Kata
18. 1990 UKFA Black Belt Division Kata
19. 1989 IKK NSW Open Kata
20. 1989 IKK NSW Open Self Defence
21. 1989 SAI NSW Open Division Kata
22. 1989 SAI NSW Open Division Self Defence
23. 1989 UKFA NSW Black Belt Division Kata
24. 1988 SAI NSW Open Division Full Contact Karate (Heavyweight)
25. 1988 SAI NSW Open Division Self Defence
26. 1988 SAI NSW Open Division State Kata
27. 1988 IKK NSW Open Division Self Defence
28. 1988 IKK NSW Open Division Kata
29. 1987 Koshu Kempo Karate Open Division Contact Karate (Middleweight)
30. 1986 Kenpo Karate Open Division Contact Karate (Middleweight)
31. 1986 Kenpo NSW Open Division Kata
2nd Place
1. 1994 WCKKMA World Championships Black Belt Middleweight (Ohio, USA)
2. 1994 Queensland All Styles Martial Arts Expo Black Belt Kata (Bundaberg)
3. 1994 Queensland All Styles Martial Arts Expo Weapons Kata
4. 1994 Queensland All Styles Martial Arts Expo Team Event
5. 1993 USKA Queensland State Black Belt Kata (Brisbane)
6. 1993 USKA Queensland State Veterans Kata (Brisbane)
7. 1993 UKFA Black Belt Division Full Contact Karate (Newcastle)
8. 1993 International Kempo Karate Black Belt Division Kata
9. 1993 USKA North Queensland Senior Division Kata (Townsville)
10. 1989 UKFA Black Belt Division Self Defence
11. 1989 Open Kaigan-Kan Karate Open Division Kata
12. 1989 Open IKK NSW (Kicks Only) Full Contact Karate
13. 1989 Open SAI NSW (Kicks Only) Full Contact Karate
14. 1987 Open Koshu Kempo NSW Open Division Kata
15. 1985 Budokan State Black Belt Division Kata
3rd Place
1. 1995 US Nationals & World Cup Trials Rhythm Kata (Ohio, USA)
2. 1994 WCKKM.A World Championships Black Belt Master’s (Ohio, USA)
3. 1994 Queensland All Styles Martial Arts Pro Demonstration (Bundaberg)
4. 1994 Koshiki Karate Open Division Kata
5. 1993 UKFA NSW Black Belt Division Kata
6. 1993 Koshiki Karate Open Division Kata
7. 1992 CCP Karate Internationals Black Belt Div. Full Contact Karate (Middleweight)
8. 1990 UKFA NSW Black Belt Division Kata
9. 1989 UKFA NSW Black Belt Division Full Contact Karate (Heavyweight)
10. 1989 UKFA NSW Black Belt Division Full Contact Karate (Middleweight)
11. 1986 KKK Extravaganza Open Division Kata
12. 1986 Open Budokan Senior Division Karate (Heavyweight)
13. 1984 Budokan State Open Karate (Openweight)
14. 1982 Budokan Mid North Coast Karate Senior Division Kata (Port Macquarie)