Sensei Aden Steinke
Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Iaido and Jodo Instructor
Aden Steinke has over 20 years of experience in the Japanese weapon arts, his grades include
- 5th Dan Zen Ken Ren Iaido (traditional sword handling) – 2019
- 5th Dan Zen Ken Ren Jodo (short staff vs sword) Awarded in Akita, Japan – 2012
- 2nd Dan Zen Ken Ren Kendo (armoured shinai sparring) – 1998
- 1st Dan IKYF Kyudo (Japanese longbow archery) Awarded in Nagoya, Japan – 2015
- 2nd Kyu SMR Jojutsu (classical short staff) Awarded in Saitama, Japan – 2007
Aden Stenike also holds the position of Chair NSW Kendo Association Jodo Technical Committee, and Member, NSW Kendo Association Iaido Technical Committee.
Aden has also served as National Secretary, Australian Kendo Renmei Jodo Technical Board 2009-2012, and as Secretary, NSW Kendo Association.